Palo | Italian for Romance
Welcome to the next stop on Magical Blogorail Green . Today we are discussing the most romantic Disney restaurants. Or rather, the MOST romantic of any of the Disney restaurants, Palo. Whether you find yourself aboard the Magic, Wonder, Dream or Fantasy, there is something about these classic ocean liners that evokes simpler, more romantic times. Is it the breezes, the impeccable service, the adventure of living in a bygone era? Champagne brunch. Perhaps it's the panoramic ocean vistas offered by Palo, a wonderfully unpretentious Italian restaurant with the kind of impeccable service Disney is known for after sleeping in until brunch. Maybe it's simply the romance of blown Venetian glass, champagne brunches and chocolate covered strawberries. Maybe it's the indulgence of late night chocolate soufflés or the clean poetry of Italian food . The chocolate covered strawberries sure don't hurt! “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; th...